Only 12 days since my last post im getting better.
Things have been swinging along since last time here at walnut cottage.
In true brit style my weather update. So far this month we have had some lovely days today is 29 degrees but my god have we had some rain, not only rain but torrential rain with thunder and lightning storms. They are really really impressive. It's great to sit outside undercover and watch the lightning. I've been trying to get a photo of it but to no avail. But I got a video of the thunder to give you an idea, please excuse my stupid laugh at the end.
Hope it plays |
The garden is really coming on with all the rain we have had and everything is shooting up i have also nearly planted out all i have grown from seed flowers and veg.
Veg plot today Sunday 120519. |
Grapevines sprouting. |
Radish from the garden |
These radish are our first produce from the garden they are not like shop bought ones they are lovely and juicy and peppery.
What I thought last post were plums turned out to be cherries we have two cherry trees and although there not very big trees they had loads of cherries on them. Imagine my excitement, fresh cherries I love cherries. Cherry pie, cherry vodka brilliant. Anyhow the following day when I looked I couldn't see any the bloody birds had had them. Fortunately Julie had brought with us when we moved over a large selection of shit Cd's so I promptly tied some on string to the trees as their reflections scare the birds off. Unfortunately this was a case of closing the stable door after the horse had bolted we were left with two cherries. Oh well a learning curve for next year.
One of our two remaining cherries |
Apparently birds dont like Westlife and can't stand Robbie Williams |
This week I also made some nettle tea to put on our veg.Nettles are something we aren't short of . You mix nettle leaves with water and wait a week till the nettles dissolve then put the liquid diluted on your veg as its full of nitrogen. But oh my god does it stink.
In our village there are two other British couples one couple have got me interested in birds. Not like a swinging party or anything but the feathered variety. I never realised there were so many birds here. I have put up two bird tables and im trying to entice the birds to feed obviously away from my cherry trees so far visiting we have had sparrows, Jays, greatits, blackbirds woodpeckers. The air when you take the time to look is like an international airport. We sat last night outside and were treated to an air display by the swallows flying round our garden absolutely amazing. I managed to get some photos albeit there not very good.
Swallow in flight above our house |
A swallow checking out our eaves |
And finally I will leave you with a picture of Daisy the little bundle of fluff we rescued back in February. She is now taller than Bailey the pampered pooch and she is still only just about 5 months old. I hope she stops growing soon.
Dainty Daisy (not) |
Take care
Mark and Julie